![]() Imprimatur, 1867 On the Love of Mary for Her Children
Mary loves us because we are her children. A loving and tender Mother is never wearied by the importunities of her little ones; and Mary, who is the most loving and tender of all mothers, will never weary of hearing and answering our petitions. The one great thing that she desires for all her children is, that they should become like her Son Jesus. He is the only Child who never disobeyed her or grieved her. It is for His love that she loves us. How great must be His love for us, when He inspires Mary with such a love! The best return we can make Him is to have a perfect trust and confidence in His Blessed Mother. Those who are not devout to Mary cannot really understand the great mystery of the Incarnation, and do not love Jesus as they should--for if they loved Him, they would love His Mother also.
Let us try, then, during this month of May, to become more like Jesus. Let us consider what spiritual grace we need most in order to attain this great end, and let us ask it with confidence every day. Let us also try to induce others to honour Mary by special devotion to her during this month.
Mother of Jesus, we have assembled now around your altar to offer you the devotions of the coming month. Obtain for each of us the special grace we need to become more like Jesus [here name the special grace and the other intentions which you wish to obtain during this month]. And if in our ignorance we have not asked what is really most necessary for us, "show thyself a Mother," and obtain it for us from the Heart of your divine Son. We beseech you also, O Lady, to implore the tenderest benediction of that Heart for this [ family, convent, or congregation]. He alone knows the special need and desire of each, and He can refuse you nothing. We offer you all the prayers, processions, devotions, Masses, Benedictions, penances, and fasts that may be performed in your honour during the coming month--obtain abundant graces for the whole Church, and an increase of devotion to your immaculate Heart. Amen.
An indulgenced prayer from the Raccolta (authorised translation) has been added for each day. There is also an indulgence of 100 days for each day, granted "to all the faithful of the Catholic world who either in public or in private shall honour the Blessed Virgin with some special homage, or devout prayers, or other virtuous practices" (Raccolta, p. 193).
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